Defenceman Devan Fafard is the closest to returning to the Rebels lineup. He skated on Monday and is doubtful for Wednesday's game in Prince George but could be ready for Friday's game in Kamloops. That would get the team back up to six d-men as Kevin Pochuk has been given permission by his midget AAA club (Winnipeg Wild) to go play for the Rebels for all four games in BC.
The next closest to making his return is Kayle Doetzel. The rookie d-man is still nursing broken ribs and will not make the trip to BC but should be ready for next week's road trip to Saskatchewan.
Everyone else (Bartosak, Borejko, Hamilton, Mayor, Kambeitz, Weller) is still out for the foreseeable future.
Good news for Joel Hamilton as he was able to walk and take a shower today (@JHamilton181 "Finally walked and even took a shower! #muchneeded #yourlettinthestankout"). Sounds like his recovery from his back injury is off to a solid start.
Another episode of 'Southside Dodge Rebels This Week' will debut tomorrow. Thanks to Calvin at Exposure Productions (@rebelsthisweek) for another fun afternoon of interviews and taping. After 21 weeks it's almost like we know what we're doing haha. Check out our show online at and locally on Shaw Cable channel 10.

The expanded Rebels office continues to take shape. New emblems can now be seen on the exterior walls and staffers could be moving into their new digs before the end of this month!

On the inside... workers were busy installing the ice for the 2012 Scotties Tournament of Hearts which gets underway on Saturday! I'll have more on that later this week.
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